
Glade Expressions Collection (a Bzzagent Campaign) and company comes to town

So, remember how I got to try some really awesome candy through Bzzagent?  (Come on...you 'member~!) Well, they were kind enough to include my family in another really awesome campaign!  This time around, we're trying out the new Glade Expressions products.

We received a coupon to try both the air mist, and the oil diffuser.  I immediately went out and wanted to pick up both. In my local albertsons, I could only find the mist. I grabbed that one in the Pineapple Mangosteen scent, and proceeded to stick it up on one of the shelves that surround the TV in my living room.  I sprayed it for the first time when I saw my husband and kiddo coming up the drive after school. Man does it smell good! Its sweet, but not overly sweet like some of the other fruity fragrances that are around. I'm really picky about my home fragrance, and I'd definitely continue to use this one.

I had since gone to alberstons, walgreens, walmart, and target trying to find an oil diffuser. At first, I thought I'd wait it out to get the the scent we wanted (again, the pineapple mangosteen)...but every time I would look for it, it was out of stock (guess the product is doing really well!) The last time I went to the store, I finally caved and bought the cinnamon apple one instead.  I was kind of hesitant because the last thing I wanted was for my house to smell like a pie the second I opened it up. I put the diffuser in my kitchen, and I was pleasantly surprised.

Crazy changes...better blogging

We have had a TON of changes take place here lately....ok...not lately. Over the last year that I have slacked and not posted.  We moved...not like out of state or city, but down the street. Literally, like 2 miles away. If I have my way, we'll be moving again soon. My family is just NOT cut out for apartment living. That probably sounds really stuck up, but its the truth. My children are all in bed by 8pm. If my kids are silent and sleeping...I dont want to hear someone else's children screaming and running around and climbing on the dumpster til 930 or 10 at night (yes, these parents really let their kids roam that late and play on dumpsters).

Ayana is 2 days away from being done with the second grade. Its crazy how big she's getting and how flippin smart she is. Too smart for my own good.
Talya will be 2 next week. Insane since one of my last posts was her 1st birthday. (Yes, I know...slacker.) She'll be having a Minnie Mouse themed party this year.
Daelyn (ha, surprise, we had another baby!) is 9 months old and one of the coolest babies EVER. She my little recessive gene baby, with dark skin and blue eyes. I dunno about her hair, cuz she's STILL bald. Why on earth cant I have kids with hair??

All girls...sheesh. We're done though. No more babies. Seriously.

I am still participating in the bzzagent.com campaigns but for some reason, none of the activities lately have been blog posting...I think I'll start reviewing them here anyway though.
I also joined an additional site called influenster.com. They are similar, in that you try products free in exchage for reviewing them...but they are different, in that they sound out boxes full of products. Right now I'm trying 5 products at once from them!

I also went back to school. Not just a class or 2 either. I went full time in spring. I'm taking 3 this summer, and full time again in the fall. Time to hurry up and finish.

Hubby switched jobs. He's truck driving...but he's got a local gig. The money is good and its nice having him home. Sad part is he works NUTS hours, so he's in bed by like 7pm. Kinda cooky.

Things are crazy..but its all good if we remember to breathe.