
bzzagent and my first campaign!! *UNREAL Candy*

A while back, my friend Jenni told me about a website she was a member of. She said she answers short surveys and if her answers are what they are looking for, that she gets to try out new products on behalf of this website for FREE. She shot me the web URL for the site. When I went to www.bzzagent.com and signed up, I had what seemed like a zillion surveys to take. I took them all because Jenni had told me about some awesome products she had gotten to try. It took a while, but I got my first product campaign invite recently.

My invite was to try a product called UNREAL Candy. I had never heard of them before, but the advertising pictures made it look pretty appealing to me!

I recieved my coupons in the mail today to go get myself some candy (and good news...they sent me some extra coupons to share with ya'll, so if you wanna try it out, get in touch with me and I'll get you a coupon!) so of course, as soon as I picked up Ayana from school, I went straight to walgreens to get it.

The whole premise behind UNREAL is real candy taste, without all the unhealthy junk that goes in to your usual favorite candy bar. (Actually, their slogan is Candy unjunked). It has no artifical flavors, no preservatives, no corn syrup...and usually when you think of something like that, you think it also has no flavor. I was pleasantly surprised when I tried my first piece though....it tasted just like a candy bar. My husband, daughter, and I all tried "Un5" which was kinda like eating a milky way (nougat and caramel covered in chocolate).  It was tasty, and we all agree we'd eat it again. The only major difference we noticed was that the chocolate had a more grainy texture to it than it does in the more well known candy.

We still have the UNREAL version of peanut M&Ms to try, as well as their peanut butter cups, so there will be another update on how they go over in our house, I'm sure.

So far, my only disappointment with the brand was that it wasnt more successful at my local Walgreens. When I went to look for it, I couldnt find it. The manager told me that it wasnt moving quickly, and they needed the space in the store for back to school items, so all the UNREAL products had been clearance priced to move. She did mention that not all walgreens locations clearance the same products, so there is a chance it will still be on the shelves at others in my area. I'll have to check next time I'm out.


My huge, hot summer

Oh my word!!  Its been MONTHS since I written anything...but I have a good reason *I promise*...
The baby is one now. Her first birthday party was a HUGE success and she smashed the hell outta her cake

I'm just about 8 months pregnant now, and guess what?? Its another GIRL. Hubby says he's moving in to the garage and taking our boy dog with him.  As if having 2 kids with another on the way wasnt enough added stuff, we recently convinced our oldest (almost 8 years old) to switch rooms with her sisters, so that the nursery can be big enough for 2 cribs. In order to get her to agree though, we had to resort to bribery. Guess who is getting a new bunk bed and a fully renovated room theme? 

That is however, giving me a chance to *TRY* to be crafty. Those of you who know me, know thats a far fetched idea and that I really dont have a crafty bone in my body. I am however, undertaking the job of doing mod podge on Ayana's dresser and doing some other random crafts (like wooden decorated letters to match her dresser). When hubby gets home from training, the great room swap of 2012 shall commence~!!
 This is the start to the mod podge of her dresser. Eventually, the different scrap papers will cover the entire top and the sides. The drawers are being done is glitter.
These are the letters that are going to hang on either her door, or her wall (whichever she picks)...I'm missing the last "a' for her name cuz hobby lobby ran out. They should have them back in stock this week. 


My mind goes a million miles a minute sometimes...

...So, I've decided to try and clear it this way.
I get overwhelmed.
 If you dont know, my hubby has been home from deployment for 6 months. I'm in my senior year (finally) at UTEP. My oldest kiddo is 7, my youngest is 8 months, and we're expecting AGAIN.  Some times, I dont even know what to do with that knowledge. I still cant get my head around it. I feel like its 1 step forward and 3 steps back towards my degree, and then I feel guilty for feeling that, beacuse the only thing that has come between me and the forward progress I had intended is caring for the kids. I sometimes feel selfish for wanting my degree so badly. My dean says "Do it well, not fast." ....to which I reply "Its been 8 years since I left HS. I think we're past "fast"."   Oh well, all in good time.

We're making strides toward preparing for the new baby and the toddler stage with our little one. Step one took place today, in getting a better couch set. We take delivery in 2 days, and none of us can wait. Ayana doesnt know yet since she's with her dad. She's going to FLIP over the cupholders and recliners.  Tomorrow is "prep the house" day, so we have a clear area for the delivery of the set.

Tonight, taking it easy. Netflix and early to bed.